

March 17

Luck of the Irish

I have an Irish ancestry and have always been able to easily find four leaf clovers, but I don't really believe that such a thing as luck exists.  I believe that we respond to our circumstances, and how we respond is more important than the circumstances themselves to our well being and witness.  It can seem that some people have an easier time in life than other people.  I have known persons who often struggle, not because of anything they did or didn't do, but just because of their circumstances.  Some of those struggling become angry or bitter or depressed and shut out the people around who could help.  Some of those struggling become temporarily angry or depressed, but reach out to others  and to God for support and strength.  The grace that everyone gives and receives in difficult times can make the difference between a "lucky" or an "unlucky" life.

Gracious Lord, you know all things and are present in all circumstances.  Please help us to rest confidently in the sure knowledge that your plans are for goodness and peace, and that no circumstances can hinder your plan from joyful fulfillment.  In the name of our loving savior, Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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