

March 13

"The Lord will guide you continually and provide for you, even in parched places. You will be like a watered garden, like a spring of water that won't run dry." Isaiah 58:11

When we see a fountain, one of the first things that we notice is that the water is always gushing up, always moving like a "spring whose waters never run dry." 

In the 4th chapter of the Gospel of John, we find the story of the woman at the well. Jesus asks her for a drink. When she questions him about this rather unusual request given the circumstances, he replies that if she had known who he is, she would have asked him for the drink and he would have given no ordinary drink but living water.  He goes on to explain that everyone who drinks of the water he gives will never be thirsty – because it will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life.

Thunder showers, soft steady rain, and melting snow provide the parched ground with moisture needed for growth. God provides the nourishment needed for that spring garden. And just like that water supplies the needs of the physical life, so Jesus'  "living water" provides for our spiritual needs.

Dear Lord,
Please help us live our  lives much like this living water fountain – gushing up to joy and kindness and splashing all over those we meet. Amen

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