

July 31

I was trying to decorate something by hanging stuff from the crosspieces of the drop ceiling.  It had to be light in weight because those slim pieces of metal don't hold much.  I decided what to hang but then had to figure out how to hang it.  I remembered someone bending a large paperclip into a shape that would be two hooks: one to hang on the ceiling and one to hold the decoration.  It worked beautifully and the decorations were amazing!  Do we ever have to change ourselves into something that is more useful for God?  Do we need to try different tasks to become more beautiful in our faith?

Gracious and loving Lord, thank you for making me the person I am, but also for making me into someone else.  Help me to be flexible in my faith to be able to become the person you are guiding me to be.  Fill me with your Holy Spirit, Amen.

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