

January 27

Yoga sessions begin and conclude with the gesture of praying hands and the words “Namaste”. The words have spiritual significance by encouraging participants to acknowledge the oneness of body, mind and spirit. Our instructor routinely encourages the class to focus and direct our thoughts on the unity of these three.

Connecting to God in prayer can be like an exercise in Yoga. It is important to find a quiet time and space that is comfortable for your body and mind. Begin by acknowledging the regular breathing of your body allowing your mind to focus and concentrate.  Identify in your mind the prayers you desire to share with God. Visualize the people connected to these prayers and be intentional and specific in their prayer needs. Slowly release your prayers to God allowing the syncing of body and mind. Like the practice of yoga, experiencing the oneness of mind, body and spirit through prayer, will bring forth and contribute to a spirit-filled peace.   

During today’s prayer time, be purposeful, allowing your body, mind and spirit to be in unison with each other.


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