Romans 8:31: What can
we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can be
against us?
Luke I: 37 : For
nothing is impossible with God.
year about this time, a good friend gave me a daily devotional book, Jesus
Calling , by Sarah Young. Every day since, I have started my day reading the
dated entry, the Bible verses that are referenced, and closing with a prayer. I
have discovered that by doing this, I am reminded of God’s promises and how I
should expect those to be delivered to me personally in my everyday life. I
have gotten more familiar with my Bible and made note of the verses that speak to me
on that particular day.
As a
result of my new habit, each day starts with a feeling of peace and optimism
even when I know that the day might be a challenging one!
Most Precious Lord,
Guide me to continue to find out more about your promises
each day. Sometimes the message hits us between the eyes, but most often we need
to allow time for your promises to be absorbed in a time of quiet reflection.
You have given us 24 hours in the day. As I think about that huge block of
time, steer me to set aside 15 minutes to invite you into my heart.
Your sacrifice through your son Jesus Christ has taught us
that we can “sacrifice” as well. And just like the miracles that happened
throughout the Bible, we will see miracles in our own lives.
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