

January 21

I am lucky to sit at a computer desk in a corner, and have one window just ahead to the right, and another window to my left. Tonight there was a gorgeous sunset to give a Technicolor ending to a beautiful day. I am spoiled and I do not think I could work in an office that does not have a window.

My office is in Towson, and my windows look out on the street. I see cars driving by, and people on bicycles, and delivery people stopping to drop off packages. The most interesting are the pedestrians. I can tell how cold it is outside by how many layers of  clothing they are wearing.

If I hear sirens going by, I can look to see if it is a fire engine or ambulance or police car. If I hear a child crying, I can look to be sure the child’s care giver is close by. I can tell time by the position of the sun in the sky. I can see if it is raining or snowing or foggy or clear. And occasionally, I see a rainbow!

A prayer can be like a window. It can help you see God. It can give you reassurance that everything is OK. It can help you decide what to do next. With prayer, you appreciate the beauty and glory of God’s earth. I am spoiled and I do not think I could live a life without prayer.

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