Happy New Year!
is a good day to pause and mark endings and beginnings. My custom on New Year's is to walk a
labyrinth. As I walk along, following
the curving path on the way into the center, I recall people, events, discoveries,
struggles, and joys of the past year. I
use it as a time to remember those people and times that held significance as
well as anything else that comes to mind.
I use those steps into the labyrinth as a time to look back with
gratitude for all the blessings and opportunities for growth I
experienced. And I give the past year to
God. While in the center of the labyrinth, I
pause to offer a prayer for the year past and the year to come.
On the
way back out of the labyrinth, as I retrace my steps, I start to dream of the
new year ahead. What is on the
horizon? What plans are on the
table? What would I like to see take
place? Again, loved ones come to mind and
I imagine what may come to fruition in and for them. I think about their growth in the new
year. And I place my life, my concerns,
my cares, my hopes, my relationships, and all others that come to mind into
God’s hands.
You may want to take this opportunity to
walk our church’s labyrinth in the next day or two. Or you may choose to take time to use the
suggestions above to guide your prayer here at the beginning of 2014. Give this year to God.
God, prepare us to be your channels this year.
May your kingdom come and your will be done here on earth as in
heaven. Let your will flow freely in and
through us. This day you give us from
your great eternity ; this new year now enfold in your loving hold, through
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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