Never be lacking in
zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord, Romans 12:11 (NSRV)
I have recently finished the book Zealot by the
religious scholar Reza Aslan. Aslan and
his book rose to prominence beyond the theological scholarly community
following an interview earlier in the year on the Fox News network (you can
Google Aslan and “Fox interview” if you want to see what I am talking
about). As an inquisitive and discerning
Christian I wanted to know what the book was all about, what the fuss was. Unlike
it was for the interviewer on Fox, the fact that Aslan is a Muslim does not present
any particular challenges for me, far more important is what new insight he
brings to this 2,000 year old discussion.
That said I did not find Aslan’s work to be filled with a lot of new
ideas. To be fair Aslan has chosen a well–plowed field of scholarship and much
of what he discusses has already been covered in Thomas Cahill’s far more
readable work: Desire of the Everlasting Hills while many of the details
of Paul’s life and influence that Aslan considers are more fully addressed in
John Dominic Crossan’s In Search of Paul.
Where I did find Aslan’s work particularly engaging and
challenging was at those points in his work where he, in support of his overall
thesis, places Jesus squarely into the Zealot tradition (a position at odds
with the aforementioned Cahill). There are mixed views in the academic world as
to whether or not Jesus was truly a Zealot within the meaning of the word, at
least as it was understood at the time but author Reza Aslan is at his best when
explaining why Jesus’ life and experience still fits the overall model.
Paul in his letter to the Romans urges his readers to be
zealous for the Lord. I feel in my heart that Jesus wants me, wants all of us,
to be strong advocates for our Faith, to work for good. In spite of this I fail
at being a Zealot far more than I
succeed. In fact, not only am I not personally a Zealot I tend to be suspicious
of fellow Christians who seem to me to be overly zealous – I am no Zealot but I
hope to be…
Lord, grant me the courage and the wisdom to be zealous for you. Help me to
overcome my own fears and discomfort and to be strong and deliberate in sharing
the promise of redemption that can only come through acceptance of your son and
his love for us.
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