It is the end of the school year and once again, we face the dilemma of what to give the bus driver as a token of appreciation. This woman takes the lives of our children in her hands twice a day for months. She keeps them safe in truly hazardous conditions. She should receive some kind of medal or similar symbol of bravery, but we usually give her food or hand lotion or some such consumable product. We definitely don't want to clutter her life with a "dust catcher", however cute or humorous. We would love to give her something that lightens her load and lifts her spirits, something that demonstrates our admiration of her gentle steel and of her almost certain love of adventure. Whatever we give her, it will be offered with prayers and affection.
Gracious God, please bless all bus drivers. Bless those who drive our children (all kinds of children) in all kinds of weather and circumstances. Bless those who drive the public (all kinds of people) in all kinds of weather and circumstances. Keep them safe as they keep us safe. Give them joy in their jobs and help us to be one source of that joy. In Jesus' name, Amen.
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