

April 7

Calming the Storm

Matthew 8 : 23 - 27  " ....Then he stood up and rebuked the wind and waves, and the storm subsided and all was calm ....."

Beyond the story of Jesus calming the storm on the Sea of Galilee in about AD 28 is a deeper meaning for us today. When the storms of this life wake us, shake us up, and weigh on our hearts, we have the promise of calm and comfort of the presence of God's Son.

Our Heavenly Father, 
We pray this day for the calm and comfort  found in your loving arms. Strengthen us to relieve the doubts and fears and worries of this day's troubles. Help us to be quiet and be open to the Spirit, filling us with peace. As the disciples asked that night " who is this ?", we pray for more understanding of the power of the risen Christ in our lives.  In His calming name we pray, Amen.

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