

April 29

I went to a Memorial service this morning for the husband of a fairly new friend. This gentleman was in his 80”s and had lived a wonderfully fulfilling and productive life. People spoke one after another about how he had influenced their lives personally and professionally.  A few mentioned that he had literally saved their lives though his work as a Doctor of psychiatry and head of a large psychiatric hospital for 30 years.

I have met this gentleman a few times, but didn’t know him as a practicing doctor. What I did know was that he always had a welcoming attitude, a sparkle in his eye, and entertaining stories to tell.
I came away with the thought that it is never too late to make a good impression and this man certainly did.

Dearest Lord,

As I travel through this day, help me to think about what it means to be kind and welcoming to each person I meet. I want to stop, look that person in the eye and connect in some positive way. Thank you for the strength to go out into the world and be your disciple.   Amen 

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