

April 7

Seven is a significant number in biblical terms.  It is a number of completion or perfection.  Multiples of seven were also meaningful.  Symbols are important for us: packing a big meaning into a small thing. What would symbolize perfection for you?  Does our culture have certain standards of perfection, certain things that are "perfect" or whole or complete?  Or do we constantly search for more, for better?
John Wesley told us that we could be perfect in this life, and he meant perfect in love.  We are to strive to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, strength, and to love others as we love ourselves.  Only with the help of the Spirit can we even hope to love like that!

It's not that I have already reached this goal or have already been perfected, but I pursue it, so that I may grab hold of it because Christ grabbed hold of me for just this purpose.  Brothers and sisters, I myself don't think I've reached it, but I do this one thing: I forget about the things behind me and reach out for the things ahead of me.  The goal I pursue is the prize of God's upward call in Christ Jesus.               Philippians 3: 12-14

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