

November 23

Dear Father,
In this season of Thanksgiving, help me to have a grateful heart and a willing spirit to be your hands and feet to others.
Change me, Lord. I get so focused on my wants, fears, and disappointments. Help me to see the wonderful things you have done for me.  Open my eyes to see the blessings in each moment.
Challenge, me, Lord. Help me to let go of the things that keep me from you such as anger toward others, impatience, and self-involved busyness.
Comfort me, Lord. Settle my mind and fill my heart with your love.
Chose me, Lord. Help me to use the gifts you have given me to minister to others. Teach me how to reach out and thank others for what they mean to me.

This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:23

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