

February 5


So you think you're too busy to pray?

How many times have you been in an "almost accident?" or have seen an "almost accident?"  The first thing out of your mouth is probably, "Jesus!" as you slam on the brakes.

There was a saying when I was in school -- they had just taken prayer out of school and parents were shocked and wondered what was going to become of us -- and that was, "Don't worry, students do their best praying right before a big test."

When I taught Sunday School, I was teaching prayers that children can memorize, such as The Lord's Prayer.  I would tell the children that these prayers will come in handy when life becomes very difficult and you don't know what to say to God.  It's good to have a memorized prayer ready to keep you centered and bring you peace when you need God the most.  And I would tell the children, if you need a really fast prayer, just say, "Amen," which means, "so be it."  

You think you're too busy, but you probably already pray several times a day.  Keep it up!  Because God is listening... "Amen."

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