

February 11

By Any Other Name

 A friend of mine is having a baby and starting to think about names.  They know the gender so they can choose names that fit the gender.  They may consider a family name or a name that has special significance for them.  They are also trying very hard to choose a name that has the least possibility of being used to tease when the child gets older.  This is important, because the child’s name will form the child’s identity to some extent.  Think about your name.  How do you feel about it?  How has it influenced you over the years?  God changed people’s names when a life changing event occurred, such as Abram becoming Abraham because of God’s covenant with him or Simon becoming Peter because Jesus chose him to head the early church.  Their new names literally named their new roles with God and the world.  What name do you think God would give you for the relationship you have with Jesus right now?

Lord, you understand me better than anyone and know how my name has influenced who I am.  Please help me to be the person you want me to be, regardless of my name.  Please make me fit the names of “Hope” and “Joy” and “Patience”.  Amen.

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