

August 29

Part of the joy of existence is how different we all are.  We share many characteristics the same. We hold similar opinions and beliefs as some people.  But, we can also be very, very different.  Even when we have similar interests, the way we express those interests is different.  I think about the people on my street: we would look similar from the outside.  From the inside, we are each different people who approach life in our own unique ways.  It can make holding a community event rather challenging, but we grow from our interactions with one another.  Any group of people faces the same challenges and opportunities.  Do you struggle with the differences you encounter in your interactions?  Do you see the challenges of relationships as opportunities to learn and grow?

You are the creator of all things, Lord, of each unique human being on this earth.  Thank you for the opportunity to learn how other people can be so different from me, yet also reflect you and your love.  Help me to see how I need to change and grow to be who you want me to be.  In Jesus; name, Amen.

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