I love leftovers, and today is the day for leftovers! Is there anything better than a turkey
sandwich? Mind you, I loved the big meal
with family and good conversation. But,
there is something especially wonderful about Thanksgiving leftovers. Some of us feel like leftovers sometimes, as
though we are not the “real” thing.
Sometimes, we feel as though we aren't as good as someone else, for any
number of reasons. We may feel as though
we are a bit of last Monday’s leftovers--not good enough, pushed aside, left
behind. The truth, of course, is that we
are the very best, the first choice, the Thanksgiving leftovers, the most
wonderful part. We are so magnificently
loved! “See what love the Father has
given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we
are.” 1 John 3:1a
O Lord, we thank you that we are your children. We thank you that you love us so much that
you chose to create us, that you planned for each of us to exist just as we
are, and that we give you joy. Thank you
for making us your wonderful family and for giving us the way to be part of
your family forever. Amen.