

October 3

Every now and then I overbook myself.  I did that a few weeks ago.  I said “yes” to too many requests, and then that got complicated by two sets of people—one family and another friends—who called to see about stopping by for a few hours, one set on Saturday and the other on Sunday. The requests I had said “yes” to were ones I could have turned down when asked, but not now.  The one for visitors to stop by were requests to which I could not say no for very personal reasons; they lived out of town and it meant an awful lot to see them just now.  I fretted privately about how all of this would work out only to discover when the weekend was over, it all worked out fine.  It was a big boost to see family and friends; the other plans worked out fine timewise.  In addition, in the doing of the latter plans, I unexpectedly had an opportunity to be helpful to someone who was facing a very upsetting and traumatizing situation and needed an ear to talk even  more than she needed me to cover a task she’d asked me to do.

                It was busy, but in the course of two days, God touched needs in my life and the lives of others—family  and friends and the person facing a trauma. All of us were uplifted and blest. 

                It’s good to be reminded that God can override our over-planning or lack of it and make moments special with God’s abundant grace.

                “O God, thank you for moments when your words to Paul the Apostle become words to us: ‘…my grace is sufficient for you,”.   Amen 

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