

April 9


   When I begin the Lenten season, I reflect on how I can strengthen my faith.
Giving up control and acknowledging that God is in control is a necessary step.
Relinquishing this control is very difficult for some of us. We love to make our lists and schedules of what we plan on accomplishing each day. When we allow God to guide our plans, we begin to experience God’s power and love. Daily encounters that we did not plan, often allow us to see God’s hand at work in our lives. Have you ever been thinking about a friend, and you decide to give him or her a call, even though you thought you really didn’t have time? A few years ago, an older friend was in my thoughts, and I decided to call her. She said she wasn’t feeling well, so I went over to her apartment to check on her. She was having heart palpitations, so I took her to Patient Care to get checked. As soon as we arrived, she was sent to the hospital by ambulance. She was not my list of “things to do” that day, but she was on God’s list for me. Learning to trust God to guide our lives is an ongoing process.
             Begin each day by placing your life in God’s hands.

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