

August 9

     Do you pray before you make decisions? I have discovered when I
do pray before deciding, I make better decisions. A few weeks ago,
I had a choice to make concerning something I was planning on attending.
This event was something I had on my calendar for over 6 months, so I was
very disappointed when I was given information that might interfere with my
participation. I had a difficult decision to make. Should I do what was best for
others or do what I would enjoy doing? I prayed about this situation for days, and
I finally made the decision to do what was best for others. This was not an easy
decision, but I did feel at peace with my decision. As I look back, I can see
how the changes I had to make led me to experiences I would not have had.
Also I interacted with people that influenced me in a positive way. On my own, I
am not sure I would have made that decision.

Dear God, Thank you for answering our prayers for guidance. Amen

Don’t worry about anything: instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need,
and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God’s peace,
which is far more wonderful than the human can understand. His peace will guard
your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.   Philippians 4:6-7

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