

May 31

You may also view this prayer on the May 27 blog, but it is so full of hope that we believe it appropriate to consider again on this last day of May.  "May" gives us the freedom which God grants every day.

As the month of May comes to a close we ask God to hear to our 'May' prayers;

May we understand the challenges in our life.
May you help us provide support to a person in need.
May we provide assurance to family and friends of your steadfast presence.
May we continue to grow in knowledge and spirit.
May we bring peace to someone who is suffering.
May we find joy in the gifts you give us.
May each day show us your blessings.
May we never forget to ask you for what we need.
May you be the answer.

Amen to May...


May 27

As the month of May comes to a close we ask God to hear to our 'May' prayers;

May we understand the challenges in our life.
May you help us provide support to a person in need.
May we provide assurance to family and friends of your steadfast presence.
May we continue to grow in knowledge and spirit.
May we bring peace to someone who is suffering.
May we find joy in the gifts you give us.
May each day show us your blessings.
May we never forget to ask you for what we need.
May you be the answer.

Amen to May...


May 23

Dear God,
Thank you for meeting me here today.
My feet dig into your cool sand. Your morning sun warms my face. Your ocean waves soothe my troubled heart.

Thank you for loving me here today.
Your waves roll in. One after the other. Unstoppable. Powerful. Eternal. Like your love for your children. Like your love for me.

Thank you for abiding with me here today.
Your soft breeze strokes my hair. The sounds of your wildlife make me smile. I feel part of your creation. Part of your plan.
I am restored.

Thank you for meeting me here today. I look forward to our tomorrow.

If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.  Psalm 139:9-10 KJV


May 19

We celebrated Mother’s Day recently, and one of the ways we honored our mothers was by passing out pink carnations.
                I noticed something about the carnations as they were sitting in the buckets waiting to be passed out. Most of the flowers were standing more or less upright in the buckets, but there were also a few that were bent over, as if they were bowed down with the weight of the world.
                I’m not really sure why, but something compelled me to reach out to those carnations and prop them up against their mates so that they were no longer bent (or at least, bent as much). Once I did that, they looked just like the others. The only difference was that they were propped up by their neighbors.
                As it is with carnations, so it should be with people. We, too, can reach out to others to prop them up and support them during whatever trials they may be facing. Sometimes, we’re the ones who need propping up.
                But that’s what living in a faith community is about. We have a grand support system at our disposal, if we choose to make use of it. We, as individuals, may think we can do things on our own, but after a while, everything becomes overwhelming, and we realize that we need people to prop us up. And when it works, it’s a thing of beauty.
                As it says in Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, “Two people are better than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.” Verse 12b adds, “Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.” (NLT)
                As we move into Pentecost and beyond, may we always strive to remember that we are one faith community and that we can rely on each other to be our supports in times of need, and our friends in times of good, all under the direction of our Lord, Jesus.

Lord, we sometimes forget that we, as a church, are also a community. Grant us the opportunities to show support to those who are in need, and to accept help when we are the ones in need. In Your name we pray. Amen.


May 17

I had a lovely surprise yesterday.  I found myself unexpectedly alone, with unscheduled time.  It was a gift.

Thank you, Lord, for lovely surprises.  Thank you for the quiet.  Thank you for the birds outside my window.  Thank you for the dog dozing next to me.  Thank you for time to rest.  Amen.


May 15

I like coffee.  I like lattes, and flavors like hazelnut and mocha.   But- nothing beats a good cup of plain coffee.  Sometimes, the flavors and extras actually hide the coffee so much that I don't taste coffee!  Improvements and enhancements are good, but not always necessary.  There are moments when I appreciate a simple, basic something done well: a song, a hug, a project, a PBJ sandwich.  Bigger, faster, smaller, newer isn't always the best.  As my grandmother used to say, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!".

Eternal God, thank you for your constancy, for your faithfulness, for your steadfast love.  In Jesus' name, Amen.


May 13

I have been trying to contact someone to see if someone else contacted them.  A third person keeps calling me to see if I have heard from either of the others yet.  Cell phones are marvelous tools and have certainly given me peace of mind on several occasions.  But- we can too easily assume that everyone we want to reach should be immediately available.  Others can assume the same about us, too.  No one can be available all the time except God.  I'm actually grateful for that!

Thank you, God, for my limitations.  Thank you for forcing me to make decisions and set priorities.  Help me to set aside my frustrations and selfish wants to make time for what you want of me.  Amen.


May 11

Wow, the year is speeding by!  It seems like yesterday that I was contemplating whether to make a New Year's resolution or not.  Now, the lilacs and apple trees are blooming.  A cool breeze brings a sigh of relief.  What did I spend my days doing over that time?  Did I make a difference for good in someone's life?  Did I do anything of lasting value?

Holy Lord, everlasting and loving God, thank you for each day that you give me.  Help me to listen for your word every day, so that I can do your will and be assured that I have done what you would have me do.  Amen.


May 9

For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there
in the midst of them.    Matthew 18:20 KJV

A few weeks ago, sixty-three women, most from our church, attended
the Women's Retreat. Throughout the weekend, you could see God's
love being shown through the interactions of the women. Women
were eager to help each other and share their experiences. The highlight of
the weekend was our Worship Service on Sunday. There was a special joy felt as
we listened to scripture, sang praises to God, and bowed our heads
in prayer. We definitely felt His presence!

Something truly wonderful happens when God's people come together!


May 7

Members of organizations claim to be making a difference, a positive impact on society, but maybe they themselves may not actually do anything. Someone may claim to be a good Christian, to be an active member of their church, to maintain their faith when times are difficult, but privately they may turn away from God. They do not give to charity, they do not pray or ask for forgiveness, they become the epitome of hypocrisy.

Jesus challenges to BE the fruit of the sprit.  
When Jesus approached a fig tree, which appeared to bear fruit, however did not upon further examination, he cursed it. The next day, the fig tree was dying.

Do not try to boast to your friends of your Christian values, as if you are superior to those without them.

But the fruit of the sprit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Do not appear to be the fruit of the spirit, rather BE the fruit of the spirit. 


May 3

            One evening recently, someone I knew tapped me on the shoulder and shared a greeting with me.  She offered some well wishes and some information given me out of Christian concern and love.  Imbedded in what she said was an answer to a prayer concern I had been having and feeling very deeply.  Her words to me, on her part, were simply gracious words of Christian caring; she could have had no idea how profoundly and healingly they impacted me.  But I had been so frustrated that my prayer concern was so personal and I had no idea how God could answer  it.  But here, in an instant, God did just that.  Imbedded in her words of Christian sharing was the answer—unbeknownst to her, but gratefully heard by me.  And I had great peace.

            We need to  let God answer our prayers in God’s time and way.  We need to listen for God’s voice coming to us sometimes in the voice of another, or in some sound of nature, or in the ways of God’s creation, or in any of a thousand other ways.  God fulfills God’s promise: “…if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you.” (Rev. 3:20)

            God, help me to be a ready and willing listener for your word to me.  Amen.