When the Jewish people were starving in the middle of the
desert in desperate need of food and water, they called upon God for hope. God
gave them hope. He have them manna from heaven, and water from a rock. God did not lead them to starve; he led them to the promised land of milk, honey and water.
However, they quickly forgot God. The Jewish people thought it was they who
worked so hard to get there. As soon as they settled in, life went on as normal, with little thanks to God
In your life, when you get a surprise promotion, you may think "wow I've earned this, I've worked hard all year". And that may be true. But also remind yourself of the higher power that protected you from harm all year. Remember to be thankful to God for the job that you have, the family that you may have supporting you, and the country of countless opportunities that you live in. Remember God when you get a good job. Remember God when you lose a good job. Remember God when you've had the same job for the past 5 years. Everything that happens to you is a gift from God.
In your life, when you get a surprise promotion, you may think "wow I've earned this, I've worked hard all year". And that may be true. But also remind yourself of the higher power that protected you from harm all year. Remember to be thankful to God for the job that you have, the family that you may have supporting you, and the country of countless opportunities that you live in. Remember God when you get a good job. Remember God when you lose a good job. Remember God when you've had the same job for the past 5 years. Everything that happens to you is a gift from God.